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Monday, August 2, 2010

4 Biggest Misconceptions We Learn In School..

1) Einstein got bad grades in school.
Generations of children have been heartened by the thought that this Nobel Prize winner did badly at school, but they’re sadly mistaken. In fact, he did very well at school, especially in science and maths (unsurprisingly).

2) Mice like cheese
Mice enjoy food rich in sugar as well as peanut butter and breakfast cereals. So a Snickers bar would go down much better than a lump of cheddar.

3) Napoleon was short.
He was actually around 5ft 7, completely average for the 18th/19th century.

4) Thomas Edison invented the light bulb.
Edison invented a lot of things – in fact he’s one of the most famous inventors of all time – but the light bulb wasn’t one of them. What he did was develop a light bulb at the same time as the British man, Joseph Swan, who came up with it originally.

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